Many things have happened since I began to study music as a child. The longing of any musician is someday to be able to make his own music and be known and famous. That was also my yearning but something happened along the way ...
At 17 years old I left my native country in search of something that many people call freedom. When I arrived in the United States of America, I began in the search and the development of the music. I met many people, musicians from my country, friends of the school, but the desire to become known through music gave me more strength to follow. "Someday something happened" I was invited to an activity in miami beach and was there where a true odice of confusion began in my head, when a group of young people from Ebenezer Baptist Church started talking about a great friend named Yahshua , I told him about my dreams in my career and they insisted that I know the one who gave me the gift of making music,I tookthe decision to accept to start my life in a different direction than I had already planned. That day my way of thinking began to change little by little, every time I read that book called the bible or the word of God, my longings to be famous and to win big money started gradually changing, because now, it was the desire to know more To the owner of my gift that my own wish to prosper and be known. Today after several years, God has given me the blessing that many people know me through television and the internet playing for Him. If I would have followed in my own search, nothing would have happened. Today I enjoy so many blessings that the longing for the world to know me, admire me and want to know me, is not in the first place. I would rather that every person may know the owner of my life, my Heavenly Father-Yahweh and then to me as his son who serves him with all love and excellency so that the Kingdom of my father may be known throughout the world through what I do ... May God bless you richly and abundantly.

Roilan Vazquez
Roilan Vazquez